The waters here teem with exotic sea life such as spiny lobsters, starfish, sea turtles and clownfish. All you need to enjoy this abundance of aquatic activity is a mask, snorkel and some fins. Almost anywhere in the waters around the island will offer excellent snorkeling, but there are a few unique spots you’ll want

Bahamas Snorkeling Tips
One of the best ways to experience the Bahamas is with a mask on – a diving mask that is. If you know how to swim and have an interest in the natural world, snorkeling is an ideal way of making the most of your time in the Bahamas. The underwater seascape is a fascinating

Bahamas Sea Turtles Rock!
Sea Turtle Patrol There’s a great diversity of animal life in the waters that surround The Bahamas, and if you snorkel, dive or swim during your stay here, keep an eye out for sea turtles. You may see loggerheads (not quite that big), or smaller green (200 to 500 pounds) or hawksbill turtles. Some of